It's a bird. It's a plane. No, it's me, The Benevolent Bear! My friend has been imprisoned for his so-called crime. What really happened was he was framed. You see he is a bank teller and when the bank robbers came to rob the bank they busted the cameras and left him in the vault framed. I know this because I have the ability to see every part of the world at once. But that's besides the point. Truth is I'm a super hero if you haven't noticed. I also have three superpowers including the one I just told you about and two more. I can also fly and I have the ability to control peoples minds. I had to break my friend out somehow. So I first walked into the prison and told the guards, with my mind, to go outside. Then I flew through the building to my friends cell. Then I controlled the guard and made him open the cell. Then we flew out the window and into the new world.
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