Friday, November 2, 2012


This entire situation is embarrassing and childish to begin with. The parents decided to punish the girl for being "fresh" with them. The average parent would normally ground their child, take away their phone, or maybe even ban them from driving. But no, this couple decided to defy all odds and take punishment to the next level. Parents preach all the time about cyber-bullying and harassment, and the dangers of others actions. These two took the punishment to the extreme and I highly disagree with their actions. My opinion is purely simple disagreement. The parents are immature and I hope that the daughter doesn't pay for their ignorance. I think many people will agree with me when I say that my parents and other parents would not even think about attempting something like this. If parents don't know when enough is enough when it comes to embarrassing their children, then where does it end? We have people campaigning all over the country protesting against bullying. How can children be expected to quit cyber-bullying if parents are acting like this. I hope those parents read all of the comments against what they did, so they can live with the burden of that for the rest of their lives. I also hope they read this, set an example and grow up.

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