If I had $100,000 I would donate it to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Fund. It is an agency that works to find a cure for diabetes for Type 1 Diabetics. The reason I would do this is because my brother is a Type 1 diabetic. Seeing him go through his process everyday is very heartbreaking. Just having him live a normal life would be all it takes for my $100,000 to be worth it.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Cow Plane
Why mono-task when you can multitask? A good replacement for dairy cows, who walk around fields all day anyway, would be a fertilizer cow. Then cows could eat all the grass they wanted, but they would also fertilize the grass so it would grow back. Even though the cows eat and eat, they would prepare there next meal at the same time, and the cows would take work away from the owners. I'm an innovator, and this is my suggestion for a more successful future.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Additions to Our School
It's 2012, and when you walk down the halls of our school it is completely boring. No offense to the cheerleaders who decorate the halls with signs, but I'm sure even they get tired of looking at them from time to time. Also, does anyone even use their lockers anymore? What's the point of them if all they are is something with our name on them. If you're that lucky. For goodness sake, the stairs creek and crack when you walk down them! Hear me out. Lets remove all of the lockers, and replace them with something to inspire the learning environment, like maybe televisions that are always on news channels. Or maybe they even show the lessons plans for you're classes, maybe even the lunch schedule for the day. We are not taking advantage of our resources! Since kids carry around all of their things in their backpack anyway, why not throw in escalators where the old stairs are? So many possibilities. But you can bet that if I was in control things would be a lot different.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Angry Angry Birds
The last time I was completely furious was not too long ago. Let me set the scene for you. It was a regular Saturday night and I decided to park my car at the park to go with someone else. When I came back about three hours later my entire car was covered in, for lack of a better word, bird crap. I wouldn't have been mad, but one little white stream had landed on my door handle. I began throwing rocks left and right trying to hit every bird I could see. That was the last time I was angry. Now that I look back at it my anger was pretty justified.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
1. I am thankful for my wonderful education.
2. I am thankful to have the freedoms and rights that we have in the world today.
3. I am thankful for my family and friends who will always be there for me.
4. I am thankful for the men and women fighting to protect us everyday of the year.
5. Most importantly, I am thankful for the chance to get to play every Friday night with one of the best teams in the state of Texas. CODE RED 2012!!!
2. I am thankful to have the freedoms and rights that we have in the world today.
3. I am thankful for my family and friends who will always be there for me.
4. I am thankful for the men and women fighting to protect us everyday of the year.
5. Most importantly, I am thankful for the chance to get to play every Friday night with one of the best teams in the state of Texas. CODE RED 2012!!!
Monday, November 5, 2012
There is only one person that I would take with me if I were to be stranded on an island. Who else but the famous Tom Hanks? My choice is completely logical. I mean hear me out. This guy was in a movie about a guy who survived being abandoned on an island. The two things I would bring would be a fishing pole so that I could fish for food, and a guitar. Most people would say an Ipod. But guess what? That thing is going to die pretty soon. Unless I break a string the guitar will last forever. A cell phone will be also useless because you would have to put it on Airplane Mode or otherwise it would run out of batteries looking for service!
Friday, November 2, 2012
This entire situation is embarrassing and childish to begin with. The parents decided to punish the girl for being "fresh" with them. The average parent would normally ground their child, take away their phone, or maybe even ban them from driving. But no, this couple decided to defy all odds and take punishment to the next level. Parents preach all the time about cyber-bullying and harassment, and the dangers of others actions. These two took the punishment to the extreme and I highly disagree with their actions. My opinion is purely simple disagreement. The parents are immature and I hope that the daughter doesn't pay for their ignorance. I think many people will agree with me when I say that my parents and other parents would not even think about attempting something like this. If parents don't know when enough is enough when it comes to embarrassing their children, then where does it end? We have people campaigning all over the country protesting against bullying. How can children be expected to quit cyber-bullying if parents are acting like this. I hope those parents read all of the comments against what they did, so they can live with the burden of that for the rest of their lives. I also hope they read this, set an example and grow up.
Friday, October 26, 2012
It took me a while to think of something that I consider a talent. After I asked a couple of my friends I came to a conclusion. I was told that I was a very good teacher. It could be considered a strength more of a talent but, oh well.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Trick or Treating
I agree with the middle-grounders. Some older kids still enjoy the fun of Halloween. Even though they are still just in it for the candy, and not just dressing up and having fun. I figure as long as they are not breaking the law there is no reason to ban them from trick-or-treating.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Favorite Elementary Memory
It was just a cold, winter day in first grade. We were playing an innocent game of soccer. I can't remember what started it, but when it happened things went down. Before I knew it I was swinging fists at Langdon and he was swinging at me. As soon as the fight began I blacked out so I didn't really know what was going on. All I knew was that I had to defend my family name. Then Mrs. Popwell pulled me off of him, and we got swats that same afternoon.Sad day elementary.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
"My Three Pet Peeves."
"Pet Peeves"
A pet peeve is something that irritates you beyond imagination. The reason pet peeves are so annoying is that you see them everyday. It's like when someone just pokes at you in the same spot with a tooth pick for many days in a row. It hurts just enough to aggravate you. A pet peeve is a noun.
1. The Hall-Walker
It has happened to everyone. You're just walking down the hall, minding your own business, and all of a sudden that one person decides to slap you in the chest, arm, or face for no apparent reason. Just being hit was bad enough, but then for the rest of the day you flinch every time you see someone move when your walking down the hallway.
2. How Have You Not?
Here's the scene. You're at your friends house watching TV and they turn on a show you have never seen. Then they get all frustrated with you and say, "How have you not seen this show?!". I mean really? Why do you get mad because I haven't read the same book, watch the same movie, or listen to the same music as you? "But reIally, how have you not seen it?" It's actually quite simple. I'm just sitting at my house and I pick up the movie case and it magically levitates from my hands and disappears. That's how.
3. Yeah sure, you don't have to introduce me.
I'll say it again, it's happened to everyone. Your just walking with your friend and they bump into someone they know. Immediately they start talking about something. "Yeah sure, you don't have to introduce me." Because either I have to introduce myself, or creep out in the back like a "pedo." Excuse the expression.
4. Everything Kelsey Does.
I put this because the first thing she said to me when I talked about this blog was,"He's just going to put everything I do." Yeah I went there.
5. Just Keep It
I'm extremely anal about my things. So when I let a friend borrow a book, or drink from my drink, or have a piece of something I automatically say, "Just keep it." I know it's weird, but that's just how I think. I don't know if it's because I think everyone else has a terminal illness or what? But it just bothers me.
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Deep Dark Cave
I don't know why they mad such a big deal about it. I mean really, when a human needs a place to sleep they just go to the nearest hotel. That's exactly what I did. It was a cool evening and I began to feel chilly. I saw the deep cave down below my web. I repelled down to the cave slowly and quietly trying not to attract attention to myself. After a few minutes I was in. I quickly dozed off to a deep sleep. The cave was a nice home until suddenly the flood came. I was flushed from my new home! "What kind of creatures are these?" I asked myself. I don't know why the lady was so happy to see me go. I was her only company.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Life Lesson
If you don't stand for something, you will eventually fall for nothing. I chose this life lesson because Mr. Hayes told us this in Geometry one day. Granted, it was involved with a math problem but it was still effective. I thought about what he said and eventually came to the conclusion that if you don't care about something or someone enough to stand up for them then you deserve to fail. I heard a quote once that reminds me somewhat of this phrase. "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breath, then you'll be successful."
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
A Difficult Choice
In this world it is hard to be successful when you start at the bottom. Either way I answer there will be a downfall, and I will sound shallow. If you were rich/ugly, you would have nothing to work for in life because you would probably be a hermit. So I would have to go with poor/handsome. Because life is no fun if you don't have something to work for. It's like when you use cheats when you play The Sims. It's still fun but, you get bored when you don't get rewarded for your achievements. That's all I have to say about that.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Back to School "Year 2"
My first week as a Sophomore felt like it kept dragging on day after day. Most of my teachers are the same although the classes are a little more difficult. Looking back on the first couple of days, I can tell that Chemistry will be one of my favorite classes this year. Finally Friday came and before I knew it we were in the tunnel ready to run out on to the field to start off the 2012 Football Season. That's all I have to say about that.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
The Best Party Trick Ever

Thursday, May 3, 2012
Shoot to Thrill
In today's music world, musicians are focusing more on presentation and less on the actual music. In smaller name bands, the music has more meaning. In bigger names, the performance involves high-tech lights, and expensive pyrotechnics. If some musicians would focus less on presentation they might have more of a fan base.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Mr. and Mrs. Collins
I guess you could say it was a miracle that my parents ended up together. My mother was a hardcore band nerd, and my dad was starting varsity basketball. Not only that, but they were also in two different social groups. My mother, having strict guardians, was home every night on time, and was only allowed a certain number of minutes on the phone. My dad, well let's just say he also had strict parents, but he could never turn down a party. At one point in time, they were dating each others best friends. They told me that's how they met. I'm not sure how it worked out. But it did, and that's all that matters now.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Cave Dweller
My perfect room would be modeled exactly like the MLB Fan Cave. It would have a large TV screen filled with every channel of every baseball game being played. It would also have various arcade games. There would be a large black leather couch sitting in the middle of the cave. What would make it even better would be if various celebrities visited just like in the real Fan Cave
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Mass Murderer Charles Manson Up For Parole
On April 11, 2012, a California parole board will meet to discuss if mass murderer, Charles Manson, is suitable for parole. Over his life sentence Manson has been denied parole eleven times. Nothing seems as if it will change for this parole hearing. Since the last time he was up for parole, he has had several prison violations. He has been caught in possession of a weapon, threatened a peace officer, and has been caught twice with contraband cell phones. He has also skipped is last few hearings over the years as well. No one expects Mr. Manson to released on parole, or much less even show up.
Here Read This!!!:)
Here Read This!!!:)
Thursday, March 29, 2012
All-Time Favorites
My favorite book of all time would have to be The Hunger Games. When writing this book, the author did a terrific job of keeping an interesting, fast-paced mood all through the book. My favorite movie would have to be That Thing You Do. This is a 90's movie based on a small town garage band going big after acquiring a new drummer. My favorite song is anything on Adele's album 21.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Why not...?
Dear Coach Ashmore,
I'm sure you're a busy man, so I'm going to make this quick. You probably know that the Hunger Games come out on Friday the 23rd. So, here's the thing, with all of these End Of Course tests and test preparation us, freshman, get tired. All we're asking is for a simple day off to enjoy a very good movie. Everyone that has read the book has enjoyed it, so why not take us to see the movie. No matter what your decision, just remember, we're here for three more years...
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Dear Jordan...
Dear Jordan,
We never talk. I never really knew you. But even then it's sad to see you go. Have fun wherever you are headed. Hopefully you'll always remember the little town of Wellington.
P.S.- Thanks for the 100.
We never talk. I never really knew you. But even then it's sad to see you go. Have fun wherever you are headed. Hopefully you'll always remember the little town of Wellington.
P.S.- Thanks for the 100.
Sick As A Cat
When I'm sick it's usually not a huge deal. I like to be left alone so I can sleep. All I need is a lemon-lime Gatorade, a few good movies, and enough Ramen Noodles to last me a lifetime. I usually sleep a lot when I'm sick so I don't really need a whole lot. Being sick might be horrible, but at least you get a day off from school.
Friday, March 2, 2012
J.V. For Life
The whistle blew, and we were zoned in. It was the fourth quarter of our district match-up versus the Claude Mustangs. The score was 61 to 13 us. We ran down to the line. Jonathan and I were ready for our time to shine. Will snapped the ball and I took off down the line to the right. The kick out was perfect. Jonathan sealed up inside and Walker took off down the field 60 yards for a touchdown. We may have just added injury to insult, but in my eyes it was awesome. My first varsity game ended with a bang.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Cat Burglar

Friday, February 17, 2012
Applejack and Little White Horse : The Mark of a Hero
Spring had finally arrived in the rolling meadows of Southern California. Applejack had just finished his evening meal when he heard the neigh of a small horse. Quickly, Applejack stood up and began galloping around the side of the barn. Smoke filled the air as the slight glow of flames engulfed the neighboring barn. The faint image of Little White Horse, a new-born colt, burning in the flames made Applejack shudder. The neighs for help were becoming softer and softer as the flames grew higher. Finally, Applejack sprang forward like a majestic stallion. When he entered the blazing building Applejack glance around and saw the colt curled up in the corner. Applejack kicked dirt on him as a sign to let him know to follow. Both horses hightailed it to the door of the barn. Showing extreme speed, Little White Horse quickly put a large distance in between he and Applejack. As Applejack followed the colt out of the exit a large part of the barn door fell on him. Applejack neighed for help as he was pinned to the burning sand. Little White Horse returned and helped move the fallen pieces off of Applejack, and they both sprinted towards the meadow. The next day as a sign of honor Applejack was branded with the mark of the hero. The burning sensation on his hind parts is what inspires him to scratch his hand parts on the fence post on this very day.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Summer Noodles
It was a warm spring day in Oak Hill, Alabama. Lucy sat on the porch waiting for Pa to come home. She was still with excitement. This was the first time that Pa was going to take her fishing. Lucy heard the phone ring in the kitchen and sprang towards the door. She reached the door only to see that Mama had already answered it. Lucy was giddy with excitement as she listened to the faint sound of Pa’s voice say, “I’m coming home.” She sprinted into the shed and grabbed the fishing pole. Lucy knew that Pa worked around the block, and that it would only be moments before he meandered around the corner. Lucy waited with her eyes focused on the corner. She saw a faint shadow, and slowly Pa came around the corner running with a smile on his face. He sat down his suitcase on the porch and he and Lucy walked towards the creek. The afternoon turned into evening as Lucy and Pa sat on the small dock jabbering about the fish. Soon, the sun had faded behind the trees and Lucy had grown tired. Suddenly, the line grew tight and Lucy snapped back to reality. Pa recognized the fish as a hybrid striper. He took a hold of the fishing pole and reeled the fish in slowly. Pa knew that this particular fish was designed to put up a fight. Lucy could see the struggle between the fish and Pa. She knew she had to do something. Lucy jumped into the creek and started noodling the striper. Pa didn’t know what to think. Lucy came out holding the fish by its neck. Pa knew he had a prodigy on his hands.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sight: a slow, graceful sunrise
Touch: a large, comfortable leather sofa
Sound: the loud, alerting, sound of church bells
Taste: a scrumptious sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast burrito from Taco Shack
Smell: the aroma of freshly cooked Texas-style breakfast
Touch: a large, comfortable leather sofa
Sound: the loud, alerting, sound of church bells
Taste: a scrumptious sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast burrito from Taco Shack
Smell: the aroma of freshly cooked Texas-style breakfast
Thursday, January 26, 2012
My capacity of forgiveness weighs mostly on the severe the situation is. For instance if someone steals a pencil from me and never returns it, I would probably forgive them very easily. But, if someone does something much more serious it might take more to forgive them. What the statement is trying to say is that if you do not forgive someone you are only hurting yourself.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Fly on the Wall
I would like to be a fly on the wall at Yankee Stadium on July 9, 2011. This moment was when Derek Jeter, shortstop for the New York Yankees, got his 3,000th hit with a home run to left center field.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Many people consider an utopia as a heaven on earth or paradise. Known utopias are God's country or the Garden of Eden. As life continues to advance, people's idea of a utopia dramatically changes. My utopia would be located in the middle of the Bahamian Islands. It would simply be called Liv-n-Oasis. Anyone could live there as long as they did not break the rules of my land. The rules would be to never fight or raise your voice. I would be the only person in charge.
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