Thursday, March 29, 2012

All-Time Favorites

My favorite book of all time would have to be The Hunger Games. When writing this book, the author did a terrific job of keeping an interesting, fast-paced mood all through the book. My favorite movie would have to be That Thing You Do. This is a 90's movie based on a small town garage band going big after acquiring a new drummer. My favorite song is anything on Adele's album 21.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Why not...?

Dear Coach Ashmore,

           I'm sure you're a busy man, so I'm going to make this quick. You probably know that the Hunger Games come out on Friday the 23rd. So, here's the thing, with all of these End Of Course tests and test preparation us, freshman, get tired. All we're asking is for a simple day off to enjoy a very good movie. Everyone that has read the book has enjoyed it, so why not take us to see the movie. No matter what your decision, just remember, we're here for three more years...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dear Jordan...

Dear Jordan,

We never talk. I never really knew you. But even then it's sad to see you go. Have fun wherever you are headed. Hopefully you'll always remember the little town of Wellington.

P.S.- Thanks for the 100.

Sick As A Cat

When I'm sick it's usually not a huge deal. I like to be left alone so I can sleep. All I need is a lemon-lime Gatorade, a few good movies, and enough Ramen Noodles to last me a lifetime. I usually sleep a lot when I'm sick so I don't really need a whole lot. Being sick might be horrible, but at least you get a day off from school.

Friday, March 2, 2012

J.V. For Life

The whistle blew, and we were zoned in. It was the fourth quarter of our district match-up versus the Claude Mustangs. The score was 61 to 13 us. We ran down to the line. Jonathan and I were ready for our time to shine. Will snapped the ball and I took off down the line to the right. The kick out was perfect. Jonathan sealed up inside and Walker took off down the field 60 yards for a touchdown. We may have just added injury to insult, but in my eyes it was awesome. My first varsity game ended with a bang.