Monday, January 28, 2013

Bucket List

1. Watch the famous movie The Bucket List
2. Work at a terrible Wal-Mart for a week.
3. Build a extravagant house from the ground up.
4. Have an inspirational campaign for president of the United States.
5. Spend one year as a teacher/principal in a run-down school anywhere in the world. But also to make the kind of impact that Morgan Freeman has on the school in the movie Lean on Me. If you have watched that movie you should. It is in fact very inspirational. It's one of those movies that makes you want to become a better person, you know? If all else fails I would like to teach and then have a separate branch of the school for a glee club. Yes I'm a "gleek." But Matthew Morrison seems like he has it made. If you don't know who Matthew Morrison is, he is an actor that plays a man named Will Schuester who is the director of the glee club on the TV show Glee. If you don't know what Glee is, then... well... just go home.

Monday, January 21, 2013


Some people truly don't understand who Martin Luther King Jr. was, and much less what he stood for in society. The Civil Rights Movement lasted from 1955 to 1968. If the movement had been about stopping racism it would have been a failure. Racism is still present today, and that's what people don't understand. Oh, the Civil War was about racism. No, you're wrong. It was about economics. I'm sick of uneducated people trying to convince themselves that they are all-knowing. Furthermore, the Civil Rights Movement was about EQUALITY. Yes, I know, big word huh? For those of you who don't know, African American's right to vote was actually taken from them. Incredibly unconstitutional indeed, I know. This ratified the 15th Amendment even, for those of you who need to brush up on your Amendments. Anyways back to MLK. This man sacrificed all that he had to his name because he believed in something called equality. His biggest sacrifice was, yes, his life! He rose to heights that people could not handle the pressure under. Sacrificial. Influential. Monumental. He had a dream that is now mostly present today. Racism is still here people, and quite honestly that will probably never change.

Favorite song chorus: Carry On By FUN.

If you're lost and alone
Or you're sinking like a stone
Carry On
May you're past be the sound
Of your feet upon the ground
Carry On

Inspirational much...? I don't know about you, but to me it is. Even when you're in your darkest moment, you have to know that there will be a better time. But more importantly to keep treading through the rough times just because you know that someday life will be just a little bit better than it was today. As quoted from Paul Rudd in the movie "How Do You Know," "We are all one small adjustment from having everything we ever wanted."

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Fatal Attraction

Some addictions can be very harmful to the body and last a long time. My addiction meets only one of those standards. It has lasted forever! My addiction is Roberson's sweet tea. Ive been on their hook since probably two or three years ago. Everyday after school I get in my car and go get a sweet tea. I don't really think I need to do something about this addiction seeing as though there are way worse things that I could be addicted to instead. The worse that can happen is that I maybe get a cavity. For my friend, I'm going to expose Samm's addiction. I bet you are all dying to know right? I can't be completely accurate but I'm sure it's a tie between riding his fixed gear bike or raiding Tristan's pantry for candy.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Be A Better Person

In the year 2013, there are a few ways that I would like to reinvent myself. The first is to be a nicer person by limiting my smart-alek comments to a minimum. This is the resolution I think will be the hardest to keep. Mainly because when something pops into my mind I instinctively say it, whether it be out loud or under my breathe. My second resolution is to try to make myself work harder when it comes to schoolwork. I am not sure how I will accomplish this seeing as how procrastination is a terrible disease. My third resolution is to always do my blog the first day it is assigned! This means I will have to stop talking during Mrs. Waters's class from now on.

During the two week break, I didn't do much besides sleep until 11 O'clock and then stay up til 1 or 2 in the morning. The highlight of my break was something that I cannot put into writing because in some people's eyes it could be a crime. But it was O.K. because it's all about who you surround yourself with, and thank goodness I was with a very good driver and someone who can spot headlights from 3 miles away! That being said, I'm also ready to get back to school. The quicker we start the quicker we finish!

This is not very relevant, but Mrs. Waters, will you count off points if we put hash-tags?